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Friday 16 October 2009

Beauty SOS

"Who said nights were for sleep?” Marilyn Monroe

Everyone has those mornings where your reflection suggests that you have a lot of work to do before you walk out the door. One too many spritzers, a late night, fell asleep with your makeup on, perhaps all of the above?
Here are my tips on damage limitation.

Often the first place to show signs of a late night, eyes can sometimes look puffy and darker than usual. Cold tea bags and cucumber are supposed to work well but i’ve found teaspoons are even better! Pop a couple in the fridge until they are cold and hold on your eyes for two minutes. The coldness will reduce puffiness and make you look wide awake.

If you didn’t take your make up off last night, do so as soon as you wake up. Leaving make up on over night blocks pores making it look dull and blemish prone. Use a foaming cleanser and rich moisturiser to replenish your tired face. Simple’s Daily Radiance Foaming Cream Cleanser is designed to brighten and refresh skin.

Moisturising tip:  Use your finger tips to massage your face as you apply the moisturiser. It will boost blood circulation and make your face look a bit fresher.

Make up:
There’s a classic mistake of covering your face with every cosmetic in your makeup bag in a bid to perk yourself up after a late night. It’s a mistake I’ve often made and can make you look even more run down. Steer clear of anything too heavy like bronzers and switch to a natural pink or peach blush to give your cheeks a natural colour. Dig out anything in your make up kit that describes itself as ‘light reflective’, I recommend Benefit’s High Beam highlighter which describes itself as a luminescent complexion enhancer. Mix a blob with your moisturiser or foundation, it will give your skin a gorgeous dewy look and no one will be able to guess how late you got to bed!

Its a subtle change but switching to a fresher, lighter fragrance to the one you were wearing the night before will make you feel a lot brighter and will stop your friends from wondering if you actually saw your bed last night. I love Channel Chance Eau Fraiche.

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